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Best Practices Seminar: What Attendees Have to Say!
Childhood Exercise Key to Proper Brain Structure and Cognitive and Emotional Health
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Success Stories

Dr. James, THANK YOU! I actually look forward to my ROF now! No dread, no hesitation, no self-doubt. Just an evidence-based care plan providing the best chance for the best outcomes from the most evidence-based intervention – chiropractic adjustment! I wish I had known all this 10 years ago. And the CSHA VSC findings are SO AWESOME to show patients why they need the care I am recommending. The progress exams are even better - I show them they are improving but that they still need more care to resolve the VSC and restore function. NO BRAINER! As you said, evidence-based certainty combined with an evidence-based exam and report is the foundation of a successful practice. I now can see it was my own doubts in the way. You erased those doubts and gave me tools to erase any doubts in patients (and staff by the way). Best money I’ve ever spent on my practice. Great job on this!

Dr. Chestnut,
I’m a chiropractor in my 4th year of practice. I was recommended “Live Right For Your Species Type” recently and I just wanted to reach out and say thank you.
I will carry on your work and passion for chiropractic, health and wellness for the rest of my life. Your book has changed my life forever and I will apply it to change thousands of lives at my practice and in my community.
Thank you for everything you do. You are appreciated.
- Dr. J. B., U.S.A.

Dr. Chestnut,
I can’t thank you enough for the time, and effort you invested to compile, digest, integrate and now disseminate this information. Fifteen years of practice, and two diplomate programs later, I've finally found what chiropractic is supposed to be about. Your work and vision for the profession are seminal. I can hardly wait to see how the rest of the CCWP program dovetails with this foundation.
With Graditude,
- Joe Muldoon

With the help of the Wellness Practice I learned and implemented protocols and principles which were scientifically sound, wonderfully effective and surprisingly simple to implement. I have always operated my practice with the utmost integrity and good intentions but after starting with The Wellness Practice I realized how much I was missing and consequently, how much more I could offer my patients by just switching gears a little and cleaning up my basic understanding and approach. I have now been partnered with The Wellness Practice for 6 years and it has been the most rewarding and gratifying 6 years of my practice life. When I went to that seminar 6 years ago I thought it might give me a few helpful tips. It ended up opening up a whole new world of practice certainty and credibility!
- Dr. Brett Davey, Canada

I did a wellness presentation this morning with a rather large company. The information that I've learned throughout my wellness certification allowed me to speak confidently, ask the right questions and communicate the problems we face as a society and a course of action that focused on wellness as the solution. I would never have been able to do any of the above without pursuing this certification. My education that I've received and the impact it's made on my beliefs will be priceless in the years to come as I'm able to walk through industry's doors with the life saving message of wellness.
Thank you Dr. Chestnut.
- Mike Jorgensen, DC (soon to be C.C.W.P.), Fargo, ND

Here's a review from one of the health fund (insurance) websites that one of my clients posted about my practice...they did this on their own, without any prompting or requests from me!
"I have been to many practitioners before and Dr Keith is the only one that is making a real difference, with a plan, progress updates and dedication to better health and quality of life. "
One of my patient’s husband read their daughter’s SHA report and he was so impressed with the “thoroughness” and “scientific explanations of chiropractic” that he booked an appointment for himself!
My results, confidence, and practice are EXPLODING!
- Dr. Keith Farrugia, Australia

Dr. Chestnut:
I have learned so much since starting your course. Since then, I have had the opportunity to present chiropractic to a University of Toronto pre-med course run by an Internist and a Public Health PhD. They were thoroughly impressed: one of the students is even pursuing acceptance to a chiropractic college. Awesome. I even fielded a friendly, but pointed, question from the internist as to why one can’t just see a massage therapist and/or a physiotherapist instead of a chiropractor. I handled that question to his liking and he approached me after to discuss it and tell me of his future ideas of an “Integrated” clinic and he would keep me in mind! THANK YOU for helping me discover the answers and build the strength to have done what I did.

Thank you. Finished module 4 this past weekend in Chicago. Just finishing up the last few questions. What a wonderful gift you and and your program is to the chiropractic profession . I look forward to hearing you at Parker in Vegas. I imagine someone will be contacting me about a final or whatever, and I have hopes of some ongoing type of relationship/ friendship with The Wellness Practice.
I'm in the process of changing my clinic name from The Back and Neck Pain Relief Center to Back & Body Wellness. Thanks for the life changing experience. I'll hope to make you proud.
Be Well.

I have been running basic and advanced wellness workshops in our clinic for the past 2 months. These follow your presentations and are currently booked out until October!!! I have to borrow seats from our church each week as our clinic does not have enough. I am really seeing people catch the vision of wellness and begin to change their lifestyle. Thank you for your vision, guidance and inspiration.
Thanks again

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