Borsche et al. (2021) COVID-19 Mortality Risk Correlates Inversely with Vitamin D3 Status, and a Mortality Rate Close to Zero Could Theoretically Be Achieved at 50ng/ml 25(OH)D3: Results of a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Nutrients 13, 3596
In light of recent evidence regarding the failure of vaccines and masks to adequately prevent COVID-19 infection, transmission, and severity, and of the recent conclusions of yet another systematic review regarding the importance and benefit of Vitamin D, I felt compelled to pause my current series of reviews regarding the neurophysiological effects of segmental motion unit dysfunction/VSC and chiropractic adjustment/SMT.
There is an urgent need for immediate universal clinical implementation of the Innate Choice® ‘Evidence-Based COVID-19 and Flu Prevention and Risk Reduction Supplementation Protocol’ I have been recommending since the beginning of this pandemic. Though I have addressed this many times in previous research reviews, it has now become undeniable that this protocol is not just irrefutably evidence-based, but universally required – REGARDLESS OF VACCINATION STATUS.
I want to both thank and congratulate all those who have implemented this protocol, you have undeniably saved lives, reduced hospitalizations, and significantly reduced human suffering. You are heroes and you are saving lives every day. You deserve to be recognized and people should be banging pots for you!
The data is now unequivocal; neither the COVID vaccines nor masks adequately prevent infection or transmission of the Delta variant of SARS-CoV2. There is now irrefutable evidence in the peer-reviewed literature that the vaccinated can become infected with and transmit SARS-CoV2 as readily as the unvaccinated (Singanayagam, A., et al. (Oct 2021) Community transmission and viral load kinetics of the SARS-CoV-2 delta (B.1.617.2) variant in vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals in the UK: a prospective, longitudinal, cohort study. The Lancet Infectious Diseases). The same is true for those wearing or not wearing masks (Liu et al (Nov 8, 2021) Evidence for Community Cloth Face Masking to Limit the Spread of SARS CoV-2: A Critical Review. CATO Institute Working Paper 64).
It is an irrefutable fact that there is not, and has never been, any valid evidence from randomized controlled trials showing that vaccines or masks can prevent infection or transmission of SARS-CoV2 or COVID-19 disease.
Further, the data now also unequivocally indicates that the COVID-19 vaccines are failing to adequately protect those at high risk from serious COVID-19 illness (thus the call for boosters – though there is no randomized controlled trial evidence showing boosters are effective). Both the infection rates and infection mortality rates of fully vaccinated residents in long term care facilities remain the same, or higher, than those seen prior to vaccination. This same trend is also emerging for high-risk community dwelling individuals with multiple comorbidities.
The hard, inconvenient truth that everyone must now face, regardless of their faith in public health policy, medical practitioners, pharmaceutical companies - or their political affiliation, religious beliefs, or vaccination status, is that it is neither scientific nor logical to rely on vaccination and/or masks for protection against SARS-CoV2 infection or serious COVID-19 illness. Nor, based on this undeniable truth, is it ethical for anyone in public health, healthcare, politics, or the media to suggest otherwise or to suggest that relying on masks and/or vaccines to solve the COVID-19 pandemic or instituting vaccine or mask mandates represents “following the science” or an evidence-based way to “get back to normal”.
I have no issue with those who choose to, or not to, get vaccinated or who choose to, or not to, wear a mask. I only take issue with those who claim that getting vaccinated or wearing a mask is the only choice that represents following “THE” science and that anybody who may choose differently, based on “other” science, is, by definition, an unscientific, selfish, stupid, and dangerous conspiracy theorist.
What is dangerous is blindly creating, implementing, following, or worst of all mandating, public health policy that is not based on valid science, rigorous scientific debate, or open critique and revision. Current health policy is based on opinion, it is based on one forced, coerced, and enforced unilateral interpretation of what is anything but unequivocal science.
Reasonable scientists, reasonable public health officials, reasonable healthcare professionals, reasonable politicians, and reasonable people could come to different conclusions based on the currently available data. What no reasonable person could do is claim the science is unequivocal enough to create mandates, to remove choice, or to vilify those who choose differently. About this I am 100% certain as a trained scientist, as a trained healthcare professional, and as an ethical, reasonable, reasonably intelligent human being.
What no honest person could do is deny that scientists, public health officials, healthcare professionals, politicians, and citizens who have opinions which differ from the current forced, coerced, and enforced unilateral policy are being censored, vilified, defamed, and punished. This alone should be enough for any reasonable person to realize that something unethical and unscientific is going on and no ethical or valid scientific, medical, or political institution would ever support suppression of scientific debate or freedom of speech or freedom of choice.
The stink of this shame should and will be long lasting. How anyone could ever again trust in “scientific” or “healthcare” institutions or medical associations and/or practitioners that have willfully, forcefully, and vindictively stifled scientific debate and shamed, defamed, punished, and even fired those with differing opinions is beyond my comprehension. These repugnant actions are on record for all to see and the fall from grace and destruction of credibility has been complete.
So where does this leave us? It leaves us with some scientific and clinical questions that are begging to be asked and answered.
Based on the irrefutable available CDC data, the undeniable FACT is that the overwhelming majority of people of all age groups, and in all risk cohorts, survive COVID-19 illness. Hundreds of millions of people have survived COVID-19 with either no symptoms or very mild symptoms. For people under 60 years of age the risk of death from COVID-19 is statistically indistinguishable from seasonal Flu.
Perhaps the greatest proof of how unscientific and hysterical society has become is that even when accurately quoting CDC stats, if you state the actual risk from COVID-19 you are vehemently attacked. Evidence-based truth no longer matters, only agreeing with the officially sanctioned version of truth matters. Science is dying. Integrity is dying. Democracy is dying. The overwhelming majority of people who get COVID are not.
The question any good scientist or clinician would ask is, why are so few who get COVID-19 dying? What variables, other than age and comorbidities such as obesity, diabetes, lung disease, and cardiovascular disease are determining risk of and from SARS CoV2 infection? What we must not overlook, despite the fear mongering, is the fact that even amongst the elderly and those with multiple comorbidities, the survival rate is over 90%. This means that there must other variables, other than age and comorbidities, that are determining severity of illness and/or mortality.
Based on the facts that SARS CoV2 is an infectious virus and that SARS CoV2 infection leads to serious COVID-19 illness via Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome via cytokine storm, a very logical hypothesis is that the variables most likely determining risk of severe illness and death are immune function and inflammatory status.
The pressing question thus becomes, what variables determining immune function and inflammatory status are most likely, or at least most plausibly, causing the differences in severity of illness and death?
One of the most biologically and clinically plausible hypotheses is, of course, Vitamin D and Omega-3 fatty acid status. Why? Because both these essential nutrients are proven to have essential roles in immune function and inflammatory status, and deficiencies of both are very common if not endemic in Industrial Society. In other words, these are highly important essential nutrients in terms of immune function and inflammation control and deficiencies in these nutrients are exceedingly common to the point of being endemic.
This basic biological and clinical knowledge is what allowed those of us familiar with this science to make clinical recommendations to ensure sufficient intake of these nutrients long prior to the pandemic and to stress the urgency of sufficient intake from the onset of the pandemic. As I said from the beginning, the risk is near nil, the benefits in terms of immune function and inflammatory control are evidence-based, as are a plethora of other health benefits, and the cost is minimal. Thus the cost:benefit and risk:benefit analyses highly favored supplementation prior to, and since the start of, the pandemic.
What I have also said, and followed from the beginning, as those of you reading my Research Reviews know full well, is that no claims about specific benefits for COVID-19 patients should be made until research on COVID-19 patients was conducted. Prior to such research claims regarding benefits for immune function and inflammation control were evidence-based, but recommendations with respect to COVID-19 were evidence-informed.
As research regarding benefits of these nutrients for COVID-19 has been published I have reviewed and shared it and, I am pleased to say, this research has been highly supportive of the hypothesis that Vitamin D and Omega-3 status are highly explanatory with respect to differences in severity of illness and deaths, even within the same age and comorbidity cohorts and, that the reason for this, is due to their effects on immune function and inflammation.
With all the above in mind, let me now summarize the findings of a very recent systematic review and meta-analysis on the association between vitamin D status and risk from COVID-19. I also invite you to read, or reread, my Jan 2021, Oct 2020, March 2020, and April 2020 Research Reviews on this topic.
Borsche et al. (2021) COVID-19 Mortality Risk Correlates Inversely with Vitamin D3 Status, and a Mortality Rate Close to Zero Could Theoretically Be Achieved at 50ng/ml 25(OH)D3: Results of a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Nutrients 13, 3596
“Conclusions: The datasets provide strong evidence that low D3 is a predictor rather than just a side effect of the [COVID-19] infection. Despite ongoing vaccinations, we recommend raising serum 25(OH)D levels to above 50 ng/mL to prevent or mitigate new outbreaks due to escape mutations or decreasing antibody activity.
*This level of serum vit D requires exponentially greater daily intake than the current RDA, which is based on the amount required to prevent rickets not the amount required to reach the human genetic requirements for sufficiency. I have outlined the required amounts, based on body weight, in my Innate Choice® ‘Evidence-Based COVID-19 and Flu Prevention and Risk Reduction Supplementation Protocol’ which I have included at the end of this review.
“According to many scientists and medical professionals, we are far from the end of this disaster and hence must learn to coexist with the virus for several more years, perhaps decades [1,2].”
“Thus, similar to other virus infections such as influenza, we have to expect that the effectiveness of vaccination is limited in time, especially with the current vaccines designed to trigger an immunological response against a single viral protein [6-8].”
“We have already learned that even fully vaccinated people can be infected [9]. Currently, most of these infections do not result in hospitalization, especially for young individuals without comorbidities.”
*But remember, the overwhelming majority of infections in the unvaccinated, especially for young individuals without comorbidities, do not result in hospitalizations!!
“However, these infections are the basis for the ongoing dissemination of the virus in a situation where worldwide herd immunity against SARSCoV- 2 is rather unlikely. Instead, humanity could be trapped in an insuperable race between new mutations and new vaccines, with an increasing risk of newly arising mutations becoming resistant to the current vaccines [3,10,11].”
*This is only true for vaccine-induced immunity. Natural immunity from infection is long lasting and highly protective against variants caused by mutations and thus also highly effective at creating herd immunity.
“Vaccination is an important part in the fight against SARS-CoV-2 but, with respect to the situation described above, should not be the only focus. One strong pillar in the protection against any type of virus infection is the strength of our immune system [12].”
“Unfortunately, thus far, this unquestioned basic principle of nature has been more or less neglected by the responsible authorities. It is well known that our modern lifestyle is far from optimal with respect to nutrition, physical fitness, and recreation. In particular, many people are not spending enough time outside in the sun, even in summer. The consequence is widespread vitamin D deficiency, which limits the performance of their immune systems, resulting in the increased spread of some preventable diseases of civilization, reduced protection against infections, and reduced effectiveness of vaccination [13].”
“In this publication, we will demonstrate that vitamin D3 deficiency, which is a well-documented worldwide problem [13–20], is one of the main reasons for severe courses of SARS-CoV-2 infections. The fatality rates correlate well with the findings that elderly people, black people, and people with comorbidities show very low vitamin D3 levels [16,21–23]. Additionally, with only a few exceptions, we are facing the highest infection rates in the winter months and in northern countries, which are known to suffer from low vitamin D3 levels due to low endogenous sun-triggered vitamin D3 synthesis [24–27].”
*This is why we have “seasonal flu” in the winter months. Low sunlight exposure, low vitamin D levels, reduced immune function and inflammation control, greater susceptibility to colds and influenza-like illnesses.
“Vitamin D3 was first discovered at the beginning of the 19th century as an essential factor needed to guarantee skeletal health. This discovery came after a long period of dealing with the dire consequences of rickets, which causes osteomalacia (softening of bones). This disease especially affected children in northern countries, who were deprived of sunlight and often worked in dark production halls during the industrial revolution [28].”
“At the beginning of the 20th century, it became clear that sunlight can cure rickets by triggering vitamin D3 synthesis in the skin. Cod liver oil is recognized as a natural source of vitamin D3 [29]. At the time, a blood level of 20 ng/mL was sufficient to stop osteomalacia. This target is still the recommended blood level today, as stated in many official documents [30]. In accordance with many other publications, we will show that this level is considerably too low to guarantee optimal functioning of the human body.”
“The blood level ensuring the reliable effectiveness of vitamin D3 with respect to all its important functions came under discussion again, and it turned out that 40–60 ng/mL [100-150 nmol/L] is preferable [38], which is considerably above the level required to prevent rickets.”
*The problem is that many studies of vitamin D either only include very small, deficient doses or, as invalidly, include single very high injected bolus doses – both of which have been proven to be ineffective. Then, when systematic reviews are written, these studies with invalid dosing, which often get poor results, which vastly outnumber the number of studies with proper dosing, make it appear that the evidence for vitamin D is far less robust than it is. When only studies using valid dosing of vitamin D are pooled and analyzed the benefits of vitamin D become indisputable. Further, it is clear that there is a demonstrable bias against natural, unpatentable natural supplements that do not require a visit to a medical doctor, or a written prescription. See my Jan 2021 Research Review, of the Benskin review of the vitamin D literature for further evidence.
“Long before the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, an increasing number of scientific publications showed the effectiveness of a sufficient vitamin D3 blood level in curing many of the human diseases caused by a weak or unregulated immune system [38,58–60]. This includes all types of virus infections [44,61–70], with a main emphasis on lung infections that cause ARDS [71–73], as well as autoimmune diseases [46,63,74,75]. However, routine vitamin D3 testing and supplementation are still not established today. Unfortunately, it seems that the new findings about vitamin D3 have not been well accepted in the medical community. Many official recommendations to define vitamin D3 deficiency still stick to the 20 ng/mL established 100 years ago to cure rickets [76].”
"Additionally, many recommendations for vitamin D3 supplementation are in the range of 5 to 20 µg per day (200 to 800 international units), which is much too low to guarantee the optimal blood level of 40–60 ng/mL [100-150 nmol/L] [38,77]. One reason for these incorrect recommendations turned out to be calculation error [78,79]. Another reason for the error is because vitamin D3 treatment to cure osteomalacia was commonly combined with high doses of calcium to support bone calcification. When examining for the side effects of overdoses of such combination products, it turned out that there is a high risk of calcium deposits in blood vessels, especially in the kidney. Today, it is clear that such combination preparations are nonsensical because vitamin D3 stimulates calcium uptake in the intestine itself. Without [completely unnecessary] calcium supplementation, even very high vitamin D3 supplementation does not cause vascular calcification.”
*The authors also point out that deficiency of vitamin K2 has been implicated in vascular calcification. To me the jury is still out on this as the research is equivocal. There is simply no doubt that high doses of vitamin D, even up to 20,000 IUs per day for months, is safe – as long as this is not accompanied by high doses of calcium supplementation. However, even without vitamin D supplementation, calcium supplementation is still associated with vascular calcification.
This is because bone loss and osteopenia and osteoporosis are not caused by calcium deficiency, they are caused by a lack of calcium uptake in bone which is due to lack of weight bearing and resistance exercise. As I have been explaining for decades, taking calcium and expecting strong bones is as unscientific and illogical as taking protein powder and expecting big muscles. Without exercise neither strong bones nor strong muscles are possible.
So, I cannot find any evidence that high doses of vitamin D, in the absence of high, unnecessary doses of supplemental calcium, has any risk for vascular calcification or low bone density. However, there is some evidence to suggest that vitamin K2, which is produced by healthy probiotic bacteria in a healthy gut by the way, does act synergistically with vitamin D.
My conclusion is that taking vitamin K2 cannot yet be considered evidence-based, but, due to such low cost and low risk, can be considered a “why not just in case” clinical recommendation. For this reason I have added vitamin K2 to the new Innate Choice® Mineral+K2 Sufficiency™ product and, of course, the healthy probiotic bacteria found in Innate Choice® Probiotic Sufficiency™ will also produce vitamin K2.
“Over the last decades, knowledge regarding the mechanisms through which vitamin D affects human health has improved dramatically. It was discovered that the vitamin D3 receptor (VDR) and the vitamin D3 activating enzyme 1-α-hydroxylase (CYP27B1) are expressed in many cell types that are not involved in bone and mineral metabolism, such as the intestine, pancreas, and prostate as well as cells of the immune system [32–36]. This finding demonstrates the important, much wider impact of vitamin D3 on human health than previously understood [37,38]. Vitamin D turned out to be a powerful epigenetic regulator, influencing more than 2500 genes [39] and impacting dozens of our most serious health challenges [40], including cancer [41,42], diabetes mellitus [43], acute respiratory tract infections [44], chronic inflammatory diseases [45], and autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis [46].”
“In the field of human immunology, the extrarenal synthesis of the active metabolite calcitriol-1,25(OH)2D3-by immune cells and lung epithelial cells has been shown to have immunomodulatory properties [47–52]. Today, a compelling body of experimental evidence indicates that activated vitamin D3 plays a fundamental role in regulating both innate and adaptive immune systems [53–56]. Intracellular vitamin D3 receptors (VDRs) are present in nearly all cell types involved in the human immune response, such as monocytes/macrophages, T cells, B cells, natural killer (NK) cells, and dendritic cells (DCs). Receptor binding engages the formation of the “vitamin D3 response element” (VDRE), regulating a large number of target genes involved in the immune response [57]. As a consequence of this knowledge, the scientific community now agrees that calcitrol is much more than a vitamin but rather a highly effective hormone with the same level of importance to human metabolism as other steroid hormones.”
“The most life-threatening events in the course of a SARS-CoV-2 infection are ARDS and cytokine release syndrome (CRS). It is well established that vitamin D3 is able to inhibit the underlying metabolic pathways [83,84] because a very specific interaction exists between the mechanism of SARS-CoV-2 infection and vitamin D3.”
“Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), a part of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS), serves as the major entry point for SARS-CoV-2 into cells. When SARS-CoV-2 is attached to ACE2 its expression is reduced, thus causing lung injury and pneumonia [85–87]. Vitamin D3 is a negative RAS modulator by inhibition of renin expression and stimulation of ACE2 expression. It therefore has a protective role against ARDS caused by SARS-CoV-2. Sufficient vitamin D3 levels prevent the development of ARDS by reducing the levels of angiotensin II and increasing the level of angiotensin-(1,7) [18,88–92].”
“There are several additional important functions of vitamin D3 supporting immune defense [18,77,94,95]:
1. Vitamin D decreases the production of Th1 cells. Thus, it can suppress the progression of inflammation by reducing the generation of inflammatory cytokines [74,96,97].
2. Vitamin D3 reduces the severity of cytokine release syndrome (CRS). This “cytokine storm” causes multiple organ damage and is therefore the main cause of death in the late stage of SARS-CoV-2 infection. The systemic inflammatory response due to viral infection is attenuated by promoting the differentiation of regulatory T cells [98–101].
3. Vitamin D3 induces the production of the endogenous antimicrobial peptide cathelicidin (LL-37) in macrophages and lung epithelial cells, which acts against invading respiratory viruses by disrupting viral envelopes and altering the viability of host target cells [52,102–107].
4. Experimental studies have shown that vitamin D and its metabolites modulate endothelial function and vascular permeability via multiple genomic and extragenomic pathways [108,109].
5. Vitamin D reduces coagulation abnormalities in critically ill COVID-19 patients [110-112].”
A rapidly increasing number of publications are investigating the vitamin D3 status of SARS-CoV-2 patients and have confirmed both low vitamin D levels in cases of severe courses of infection [113–127] and positive results of vitamin D3 treatments [128–134].”
“Therefore, many scientists recommend vitamin D3 as an indispensable part of a medical treatment plan to avoid severe courses of SARS-CoV-2 infection [14,18,77,84,135,136], which has additionally resulted in proposals for the consequent supplementation of the whole population [137]. A comprehensive overview and discussion of the current literature is given in a review by Linda Benskin [138].
*I reviewed the excellent paper by Linda Benskin in my Jan 2021 Research Review, ‘Evidence-Based COVID-19 Prevention and Risk Reduction: A Literature Summary and Clinical Recommendations’. I highly recommend you read or reread that Research Review and/or get a copy of the Benskin paper (Benskin, L. (2020) A Basic Review of Preliminary Evidence That COVID-19 Risk and Severity Is Increased in Vitamin D Deficiency. Frontiers in Public Health. Vol 8, Article 513).
“The finding that most SARS-CoV-2 patients admitted to hospitals have vitamin D3 blood levels that are too low is unquestioned even by opponents of vitamin D supplementation. However, there is an ongoing discussion as to whether we are facing a causal relationship or just a decline in the vitamin D levels caused by the infection itself [84,139–141].”
“There are reliable data on the average vitamin D3 levels in the population [15,19,142] in several countries, in parallel to the data about death rates caused by SARS-CoV-2 in these countries [143,144]. Obviously, these vitamin D3 data are not affected by SARS-CoV-2 infections. While meta-studies using such data [26,136,140,145] are already available, our goal was to analyze these data in the same manner as selected clinical data. In this article, we identify a vitamin D threshold that virtually eliminates excess mortality caused by SARS-CoV-2. In contrast to published D3/SARS-CoV-2 correlations [146–152], our data include studies assessing pre-infection vitamin D values as well as studies with vitamin D values measured post-infection latest on the day after hospitalization. Thus, we can expect that the measured vitamin D status is still close to the pre-infection level.”
“This study illustrates that, at a time when vaccination was not yet available, patients with sufficiently high D3 serum levels preceding the infection were highly unlikely to suffer a fatal outcome. The partial risk at this D3 level seems to vanish under the normal statistical mortality risk for a given age and in light of given comorbidities. This correlation should have been good news when vaccination was not available but instead was widely ignored.”
“Nonetheless, this result may offer hope for combating future variants of the rapidly changing virus as well as the dreaded breakthrough infections, in which severe outcomes have been seen in 10.5% of the vaccinated versus 26.5% of the unvaccinated group [164], with breakthrough even being fatal in 2% of cases [165].”
*Note only a 15% absolute difference in rate of severe outcomes between the vaccinated and unvaccinated and, as mentioned previously, this difference is significantly reduced in high risk individuals, especially those in long term care facilities, where nearly half of all COVID deaths have occurred.
“This result strengthens the hypothesis that a fatal outcome from COVID-19 infection, apart from other risk factors, is strongly dependent on the vitamin D status of the patient. The mathematical regressions suggested that the lower threshold for healthy vitamin D levels should lie at approximately 125 nmol/L or 50 ng/mL 25(OH)D3, which would save most lives, reducing the impact even for patients with various comorbidities.”
Imagine how much suffering and death could have been prevented with universal vitamin D supplementation! Add ivermectin to this and I think it is very reasonable to suggest that the majority of deaths, even in long term care facilities, could have been prevented. I will discuss the evidence regarding ivermectin in a later research review.
“This is—to our knowledge – the first study that aimed to determine an optimum D3 level to minimize COVID-19 mortality, as other studies typically limit themselves to identifying odds ratios for 2–3 patient cohorts split at 30 ng/mL or lower. Another study confirmed that the number of infections clearly correlated with the respective D3 levels, with a cohort size close to 200,000 [122]. A minimum number of infections was observed at 55 ng/mL [150 nmol/L].”
“This result was also confirmed in a 2012 study, which showed that one of the fatal and most feared symptoms of COVID-19, the out-of-control inflammation leading to respiratory failure, is directly correlated with vitamin D levels. Cells incubated in 30 ng/mL vitamin D and above displayed a significantly reduced response to lipopolysaccharides (LPS), with the highest inflammatory inhibition observed at 50 ng/mL [173].”
“This result matches scientific data on the natural vitamin D3 levels seen among traditional hunter/gatherer lifestyles in a highly infectious environment, which were 110–125 nmol/L (45–50 ng/mL) [174]. There is a major discrepancy with the 30 ng/mL D3 value considered by the WHO as the threshold for sufficiency and the 20 ng/mL limit assumed by D-A-CH countries.”
“Three directors of Iranian Hospital Dubai also state from their practical experience that among 21 COVID-19 patients with D3 levels above 40 ng/mL (supplemented with D3 for up to nine years for ophthalmologic reasons), none remained hospitalized for over 4 days, with no cytokine storm, hypercoagulation, or complement deregulation occurring [175].”
“Thus, we hypothesize that long-standing supplementation with D3 preceding acute infection will reduce the risk of a fatal outcome to practically nil and generally mitigate the course of the disease.”
"In this publication, we used a meta-analysis of two independent sets of data. One analysis is based on the long-term average vitamin D3 levels documented for 19 countries. The second analysis is based on 1601 hospitalized patients, 784 who had their vitamin D levels measured within a day after admission, and 817 whose vitamin D levels were known preinfection. Both datasets show a strong correlation between the death rate caused by SARS-CoV-2 and the vitamin D blood level. At a threshold level of 30 ng/mL, mortality decreases considerably.”
“In addition, our analysis shows that the correlation for the combined datasets intersects the axis at approximately 50 ng/mL, which suggests that this vitamin D3 blood level may prevent any excess mortality. These findings are supported not only by a large infection study, showing the same optimum but also by the natural levels observed in traditional people living in the region where humanity originated from that were able to fight down most (not all) infections in most (not all) individuals.”
“Vaccination is and will be an important keystone in our fight against SARS-CoV-2. [NO EVIDENCE]. However, current data clearly show that vaccination alone cannot prevent all SARS-CoV-2 infections and dissemination of the virus. This scenario possibly will become much worse in the case of new virus mutations that are not very susceptible to the current vaccines or even not sensitive to any vaccine.”
“Therefore, based on our data, the authors strongly recommend combining vaccination with routine strengthening of the immune system of the whole population by vitamin D3 supplementation to consistently guarantee blood levels above 50 ng/mL (125 nmol/L).”
“From a medical point of view, this will not only save many lives but also increase the success of vaccination. From a social and political point of view, it will lower the need for further contact restrictions and lockdowns. From an economical point of view, it will save billions of dollars worldwide, as vitamin D3 is inexpensive and—together with vaccines—provides a good opportunity to get the spread of SARS-CoV-2 under control.”
“Based on these circumstances, the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is becoming the second breakthrough in the history of vitamin D3 association with disease (after rickets), and we have to ensure that full advantage is being taken of its medical properties to keep people healthy.”

First month (daily amount):
1 capsule of OmegA+D Sufficiency™ per 40lbs/18kg body weight [i.e. 4 caps/day for 160 lb person]
3 drops of Vitamin D Sufficiency™ per 40lbs/18kg body weight [i.e. 12 drops/day for 160 lb person]
*This provides 10,000 IU/day of Vitamin D and sufficient and synergistic amounts of Omega-3 and Vitamin A.
Ongoing (daily amount):
1 capsule of OmegA+D Sufficiency™ per 40lbs/18kg body weight [i.e. 4 caps/day for 160 lb person]
1 drop of Vitamin D Sufficiency™ per 80lbs/36kg body weight [i.e. 2 drops/day for 160 lb person]
*This provides 5,000 IU/day of Vitamin D and sufficient and synergistic amounts of Omega-3 and Vitamin A.
First month (daily amount):
1 teaspoon of OmegA+D Sufficiency™ per 80lbs/36kg body weight [i.e. 2 tsps/day for 160 lb person]
3 drops of Vitamin D Sufficiency™ per 40lbs/18kg body weight [i.e. 12 drops/day for 160 lb person]
*This provides 10,000 IU/day of Vitamin D and sufficient and synergistic amounts of Omega-3 and Vitamin A.
Ongoing (daily amount):
1 teaspoon of OmegA+D Sufficiency™ per 80lbs/36kg body weight [i.e. 2 tsps/day for 160 lb person]
1 drop of Vitamin D Sufficiency™ per 80lbs/36kg body weight [i.e. 2 drops/day for 160 lb person]
*This provides 5,000 IU/day of Vitamin D and sufficient and synergistic amounts of Omega-3 and Vitamin A.
*To order please click HERE.
Also, please click HERE to get a FREE SAMPLE of my Evidence-Based Spinal Health Assessment and Report and a preview of my Evidence-Based Chiropractic and Lifestyle Protocols practice systems. See for yourself how easy and inevitable success can be when you follow the right protocols and systems. You can also call 250-381-2084 ext 2 and we will be happy to answer any questions or provide any assistance.
We are happy to provide a free month trial of our protocols for anyone interested.
Read and practice well my esteemed, evidence-based, ethical, learned expert chiropractic colleagues.
Since this is the December edition, let me take this opportunity to wish you Happy Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, or Happy Whatever You Celebrate in December and a peaceful, prosperous, healthy, and happy New Year.
With love and appreciation,
Dr. C